


鼻整形术 俄亥俄州哥伦布市

实现对称 & 平衡与外科鼻整形

在外部, 鼻整形术 平衡面部对称性. Your nose will have a more proportionate size and shape matching your natural facial structure. More important, though, are the internal emotional effects of this procedure. 鼻子是脸的焦点, 所以你可能会觉得尺寸和/或弯曲度会分散注意力. 隆鼻手术之后, you won’t have to worry about the appearance of your nose; instead, 你可以专注于展示你的内在美.




患者通常希望他们的鼻子更直一点, 平, 薄, small, 窄的或成比例的. 鼻整形术 reshapes the nose to improve contour, profile, size, proportion and overall appearance. 在这个鼻子手术中, the surgeon may add or subtract tissue and use sutures to achieve these desired effects. Many individuals are shocked that a series of such small changes can make such a dramatic improvement.

在专业外科医生的悉心照料下 Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert, your 鼻整形术 will result in a beautiful nose that compliments your entire look. She is known for creating natural results that “blend in” with the rest of the face. Dr. Sieffert works with you to create a correctional plan that will also fix any structural issues inside the nose while prioritizing aesthetic balance.



我们不接受鼻整形手术的保险. 我们也不做鼻整形手术.

如果你想改变外表,隆鼻手术可能是一个不错的选择, 鼻子的结构性修复或两者的结合. 全面的, 接受隆鼻手术的人一般健康状况良好, have completed physical growth and have established mental/emotional maturity. 如果你整体健康,就没有年龄上限.


It is essential to know that the human body will never be 100% symmetrical; this also may look unnatural. Ideal candidates for 鼻整形术 have realistic expectations for their results. Dr. Sieffert will account for 你的目标 and individual anatomy when developing your plan. 您还可以查看类似患者的前后对比照片, 所以你对未来的结果有一个现实的期望.

You may not be a good candidate for 鼻整形术 if you suffer from certain health conditions. Dr. Sieffert will review your medical history during your consultation to determine whether further studies or referrals are necessary. 你可能需要在手术前停止服用某些药物.

这个过程的费用取决于你的目标和需要. 哥伦布隆鼻手术的总平均费用, 俄亥俄州的价格从7美元起,000-$11,000美元,视手术种类而定. 这个总数包括手术的所有方面, 包括麻醉费用, 手术费, 手术后的护理, 等.

一旦博士. Sieffert understands 你的目标 and you decide together on the right treatment plan for you, her surgical coordinator will provide you with an exact quote and discuss our financing options with you.

  • 我适合做这个手术吗?
  • 我能做些什么来帮助获得最好的结果?
  • 你会在哪里,怎样给我做手术?
  • 我可以有多长时间的恢复期?
  • 鼻整形术的风险和并发症是什么?
  • 如何处理并发症?
  • 是否有融资选择??

你应该问问医生。. Sieffert any questions you may have about your current health or medications, 你的目标, 你的期望, 行动计划, 术前准备, 手术后的管理, 你的恢复, 以及可能的并发症. 请随意询问外科医生的经验, 培训和证书, 还有手术中心的细节, 麻醉人员和护理团队.

All surgeries come with risks, but those associated with 鼻整形术 are generally mild. 最常见的风险是鼻肿胀, 哪一种会堵塞你的鼻腔,让你的鼻子感觉堵塞. 肿胀通常会在头一两周内消退, 但肿胀持续存在并不罕见. 一定要向医生说明你的顾虑. 手术前的西弗特.

一定要问一下医生. Sieffert about possible outcomes, so you know exactly what to expect before you make any decisions. This will ensure that you and your surgeon are on the same page about what you want to be done and what can be done. Dr. Sieffert and our patient care team will discuss all risks with you prior to your surgery.

以达到提高审美的目的, 平衡的外观和整体更大的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, many patients combine the following procedures and treatments with their 鼻整形术 surgery:

While no surgery is pain-free, recovering from 鼻整形术 is relatively easy. 最初几天后,疼痛和头痛往往会消失. 西弗特医生会开止痛药来帮助缓解症状. Rest, head elevation, ice, homeopathic remedies such as Arnicare gel will aid recovery, too.

瘀伤是正常的 & 可以预期

你可能会有明显的肿胀和瘀伤, including bruising under your eyes and on your upper cheeks if the nasal bones are manipulated during surgery. Most of the swelling and bruising subsides progressively over one to two weeks, 但微肿可能需要更长的时间才能消退. Dr. Sieffert will make further recommendations before surgery to help with post-operative bruising.


每个人都是不同的,恢复时间取决于你的身体. However, most patients take about a week off before they resume normal activities. Your splint or cast will remain on for one week, depending on how your nose is healing. Many individuals feel up to going to work after a few days but prefer to wait until bruising and discoloration have subsided.

你的活动将受到限制, 包括举重和锻炼, for about the first month after your surgery that will periodically be lifted.

肿胀会在一段时间内掩盖你的最终结果. Most of the swelling should go away on its own wi薄 the first few weeks, 但这可能需要一个月的时间. 最后的结果, 然而, is not established until a full year has passed and the underlying anatomy has adjusted to the surgical changes.

是的! 根据RealSelf.com, 鼻整形术 has a 91% “Worth It” rating stemming from more than 20,000 reviews. You’ll find the surgery to be extremely rewarding particularly if it’s some薄g you’ve been considering for a long time. 虽然需要一些时间才能看到最终结果, 对你的自信产生持久的积极影响是值得的!


鼻整形术 in 俄亥俄州哥伦布市 is a truly life-changing aesthetic procedure. Dr. 西弗特擅长塑造美丽的面部平衡, 哪种能增强你的自信,突出你的其他特点. We invite you to get in touch with us today to schedule your initial consultation and discuss if 鼻整形术 is the correct solution for you!

